Sunday, September 26, 2010

Departure , Plane Ride, Arrival! As I expected!


Between the tears of my mom and I, I departed, through security and into the waiting area.
Planes surrounded the windows of the waiting area. I took a picture of the plane i'd be on, and the inside of it as well :) Take a look !

The plane ride was long and un-comfortable. At about 2 hours into the flight first class was looking REALLY worth it for the extra million dollars lol. I was seteaed in the middle of the aisles in between a calgarian couple and an older dutch man (who seemed to be very angry at life itself)... He had messy salt and pepper hair with a tattered wool like grey suit jacket and slacks. If you've ever seen the series "LOST" you might know one of the antagonists "Ben Linus", Well this man looked strikingly like him, unhappy and even too a tee with the oval like european glasses.

I was first intimidated by his stern stature, but through out the flight we talked and exchanged stories about my home town and his. I wish I could tell you what his home town was... But his accent was so thick I found my self nodding and agreeing to jibberish I could not put together. Regardless, I enjoyed his stories of the great land of Amsterdam and I cherished the memories we shared on that plane ride. 

KLM aside from my seat mates was a very good airline and I would recommend flying with them to anyone who asked. There service was un parralled and there food and free beverages (INCLUDING BEER) was fantastic!! although I didnt indulge in any beeer during the plane right, they served Heineken ! MY FAVORITE!

My arrival was slow, but I took as many pictures as I could at the air port and on the train ride.
MY FIRST FEELINGS when getting off the plane and into the busy air port were:

I've definately been here before. 

For some reason I had this striking feeling that the language, the people, the style, the life was all something I had experienced before. I almost lost all my baggage, but then I realized I had to follow the signs that said "BAGGAGE HALL".

I miss my friends and family but I've been struggling to pay any thought with all this new information I am trying to process. My jet lag is now over. I had a nap... But the time difference is crazy

8 HOURS blah!

At Shanna's now

Cheers till next post

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