Thursday, September 30, 2010

Amsterdam, Holland : THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT

 In the heart of The Red Light District

Ahh Yes, Hello Everyone!
This will be my last post in Holland! I'm going to Germany tomorrow morning! WOOT

Sept 29th - Amsterdam Central
I took the train from Harderwijk to Amsterdam Central in about an hour's time and immediatly noticed a very big change in the volume of people and the pace of the lifestyle. Very fast, up to par and VERY relative to my liking in regards to how a large mass of people should work and live, with eachother. Here are some pictures of the downtown. I also recorded a few video's last night which will give you a more live experience of my time in Amsterdam. I didn't get much VIDEO of the girls in the red light district. BUT I will be going back there at the end of my trip one last time and I PROMISE my viewers I will get many video's of the women in windows.

Never made it to the heineken factory, got too wrapped up in the district lol!

I know many of you have been waiting for this moment... So without firther a due. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Well, first off, let me explain a little bit about the red light district. In my own words, the red light district is one of the wierdest, yet most intriguing places in the world. Its a place were the social upper class, middle class and lower class all come together in unison from all over the world. I nthe red light district, many things that would normally be frowned upon or kept TABOO, are openly visible AND greatly apprecaited among the viewers and visitors. IT is somewhat of a tourist attraction, but aside from that it is a place were people with common interests can go to associate with people like themsleves, no matter what race, style or genre.

Marijuanna is legal to smoke in the Red Light District (only in approved "coffee" shops) 
These "coffee" shops are on ever corner in the 2 hour round about of the red light district, and they sell more much than just a cup of coffee! Pretty much any type strain of weed or hash you could EVER imagine is sold here. Quite amazing actually, people from all walks of life enjoy a spliff while conversing.

Prostitution in the red light distrit is legalized....So basically what this meens. And its no word of a lie. There are women in windows. If you like what you see.... You can go inside, pay a fee and do what you want with them. I didn't indulge in any because frankly I think tis quite in-humane and possibly a sess pool for diseases. However, many do, it was a very busy night. Lots of closed curtains. Cute girls too ! Like we're talking smokin hot.Only unfortiante part is you cannot take pictues in the district where the women are. HOWEVER. Im going back tot he district once more before i leave and im going to cut a hole in my laptop bag or pants or somthing and get some extreme footage!

I found a really cool Drum & Bass bar with my Japanese friend who I met that night. We were both on holidays alone and I spent most of my night touring around with him. He had a bit of a language barrier, but it was fun to see that anybody no matter what race or lanugage you speak was participating in the different culture and lifestyle of Europe.

The drum and bass bar we were at was one of those "coffee shops" I mentioned earlier... Ciggarrettes weren't aloud only Weed that was sold in the bar. . . Funny.... There was no coffee to be found at this bar LOL. 


Here's my pics from The Red Light District:

As i said, ill have more pictures for ya'll when i return on the 21st or 22nd of oct and go back to the district.

Here's one last video, I was with my  friend walking down the strip. In the background of the shakey video you can see many windows with pink/red lights and drapes over. Those rooms were occupied with tourists and women. near the end of the video you can see a gril in one of the windows, her back was too the camera! MORE TO COME SOON.

Cheers All 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Relaxing Day

Hey there,

Not much to report into my readers today, had a very relaxing day.
Please Grand theft auto on the Xbox, and went into town with Shanna to get a ticket for an upcoming event.

October 2nd 2010
hardcore, hardstyle, hardtechno

Very excited for this event, this is one of the main reasons I came to Europe, to be one with a group of people who enjoy the same types of music that I do. When in Calgary I feel almost imprisoned with my musical taste. Sure we have the odd 100 - 200 person following, who comes out when they can. But here, it seems The dutch and the germans, LIVE for the weekends. As do I. Harder music fuels my soul and I will be sure to take lots of pictures this saturday. Woot! Angerfist Live!

Today I also indulged in some local foods with Shanna. She showed me to this little resteruant in a department store in their downtown. For ONE euro we got a dutch crossiont and an egg, bacon and mayo sandwhich. So damn satisfying. The crossiont especially. & for ONE euro you really cant go wrong, I think I'll be going there every morning I stay in this town before I leave lol.


As I said, very slow day today, I slept most of it for some reason, had a lack of sleep last night sooo bleh,
will have more interesting posts once I hit Germany :) and HOPEFULLY the red light district tomorrow <3

Here's some pics to tide ya guys over... And yes.. A crazy bird lady video lol...

Good Lord lol...

Monday, September 27, 2010

My first day/night/day in Harderwijk, Holland


Life in Holland is wonderful! Im staying in the small town of Hardwijk with a close family friend and her 10 year old son. We are staying in a duplex like apartment just minutes away from the downtown. Last night (Sepetmeber 26th) The day I arrived in town, I went out with a few friends of the family I'm staying with. We ended up at a small get together in the residential side of Hardwijk. Was very relaxed, had a couple heinekens and played Call of Duty! . . . Yes Call of Duty is universal amoung men ALL OVER THE WORLD. We like shooting games, blood, gore and anything with a remote controller. I didn't get any pictures last night unfortinately but I got some today (September 27th) in my journey to the "downtown" of Harderwijk.

Today I ventured by myself into the downtown of Harderwijk. I walked in what seemed to be lines and lines of small houses and establishments side by side. Bistro's, coffee shops, Clothing stores.. and oh yes random small Casino. It was amazing to think that this was the "downtown" of Harderwijk, comapred to Calgary where sky scrapers are abroad. However, I very much enjoyed the personalism of this type of downtown. Children would run with laughter while others would engage in deep Dutch conversations while sipping on a Guiness or Tea. Aside from the gloomy weather, people seemed happy, relaxed, calm. On almost every instance of eye contact with someone walking a warm Hello or how are you would be initiated... Sometimes in English, but more so in Dutch . . I nodded my head and smiled :)

I stopped at a resteraunt comparable in size to an Earls  or Moxies and had a Steak Sandwhich. The server spoke english and I almost dared try something new today, but I decided to see how Holland did a "Steak Sandwhich".

Holland is DOMINATED BY COKE! So happy, I remember in Jamaica, Pepsi seemed to be the only cola we could get, but my favorite has always been Coke.

Quick last few notes . . . Every bathroom has a condom machine.. (you know JUST IN CASE)
All fields seem to be covered in birds, seaguls etc.. (OMFGWTFBBQ)
Urinals look funny lol (rawr)
and for the record. IN THIS TOWN, designer clothes are much the same price. (hopefully not everywhere!)
LAST THING. smokes come in packages on 19 ? WTF

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Departure , Plane Ride, Arrival! As I expected!


Between the tears of my mom and I, I departed, through security and into the waiting area.
Planes surrounded the windows of the waiting area. I took a picture of the plane i'd be on, and the inside of it as well :) Take a look !

The plane ride was long and un-comfortable. At about 2 hours into the flight first class was looking REALLY worth it for the extra million dollars lol. I was seteaed in the middle of the aisles in between a calgarian couple and an older dutch man (who seemed to be very angry at life itself)... He had messy salt and pepper hair with a tattered wool like grey suit jacket and slacks. If you've ever seen the series "LOST" you might know one of the antagonists "Ben Linus", Well this man looked strikingly like him, unhappy and even too a tee with the oval like european glasses.

I was first intimidated by his stern stature, but through out the flight we talked and exchanged stories about my home town and his. I wish I could tell you what his home town was... But his accent was so thick I found my self nodding and agreeing to jibberish I could not put together. Regardless, I enjoyed his stories of the great land of Amsterdam and I cherished the memories we shared on that plane ride. 

KLM aside from my seat mates was a very good airline and I would recommend flying with them to anyone who asked. There service was un parralled and there food and free beverages (INCLUDING BEER) was fantastic!! although I didnt indulge in any beeer during the plane right, they served Heineken ! MY FAVORITE!

My arrival was slow, but I took as many pictures as I could at the air port and on the train ride.
MY FIRST FEELINGS when getting off the plane and into the busy air port were:

I've definately been here before. 

For some reason I had this striking feeling that the language, the people, the style, the life was all something I had experienced before. I almost lost all my baggage, but then I realized I had to follow the signs that said "BAGGAGE HALL".

I miss my friends and family but I've been struggling to pay any thought with all this new information I am trying to process. My jet lag is now over. I had a nap... But the time difference is crazy

8 HOURS blah!

At Shanna's now

Cheers till next post