Friday, September 24, 2010

The beginning ! Packing, Flight is tomorrow!

Hey there!

Well, this is it. Everything my life has lead up too! And oh man, I am more ready to do this than I had ever felt possible. Today I packed my stuff with my mom and vividly imagined my next few days leading up to my arrival in Amsterdam. EUROPE! Finally, here I come.

It had been a long time coming, with many set backs, haters, love, hardship and experience. But I am ready.

My flight leaves tomorrow at 6:00pm, Im looking forward to wandering the airport in eager anticipation for my 9 hour flight... Yes 9 hours, on KLM Airlines. The one perk of KLM is we just read I have no stop overs and I will be having 2 meals on the plane!!! This is great because in comparison to the shit show of a flight to Jamiaca (no food, one stop over *throw up LOL). I am happy I got to travel to Jamaica, because without the eye opening experience there, I would have never actually put my mind to leaving to Europe for as long as I am.

Oi... Did I mention how long Im staying? One whole month, Very excited!
Sept 25th to Oct 25th....On bare money rashions. This trip is going to show YOU the reader, How to go to Europe and survive on what ya got in your back pack.

For future reference CCFEurope stands for Curtis's Cluster Fuck of Europe!
Hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I am. And too all the haters who said I wouldnt make it, please follow my blog, :) I'll be posting pictures close to daily.


NitrisOxxide//Curtis Keller
Boodang Music Canada
Divison X Promotions

1 comment:

  1. OMG Curtis I'm having a heart attack! You're leaving. I'm sitting beside you on the couch right now but tomorrow I won't be!!!!

    Good luck, be smart, be safe and I hope you can figure out how to use the world phone LOL. It looks complicated to me!

    Love Mom.
