Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Relaxing Day

Hey there,

Not much to report into my readers today, had a very relaxing day.
Please Grand theft auto on the Xbox, and went into town with Shanna to get a ticket for an upcoming event.

October 2nd 2010
hardcore, hardstyle, hardtechno

Very excited for this event, this is one of the main reasons I came to Europe, to be one with a group of people who enjoy the same types of music that I do. When in Calgary I feel almost imprisoned with my musical taste. Sure we have the odd 100 - 200 person following, who comes out when they can. But here, it seems The dutch and the germans, LIVE for the weekends. As do I. Harder music fuels my soul and I will be sure to take lots of pictures this saturday. Woot! Angerfist Live!

Today I also indulged in some local foods with Shanna. She showed me to this little resteruant in a department store in their downtown. For ONE euro we got a dutch crossiont and an egg, bacon and mayo sandwhich. So damn satisfying. The crossiont especially. & for ONE euro you really cant go wrong, I think I'll be going there every morning I stay in this town before I leave lol.


As I said, very slow day today, I slept most of it for some reason, had a lack of sleep last night sooo bleh,
will have more interesting posts once I hit Germany :) and HOPEFULLY the red light district tomorrow <3

Here's some pics to tide ya guys over... And yes.. A crazy bird lady video lol...

Good Lord lol...


  1. HEY they have cannons everywhere LOL. Did they steal those ones from Port Royal in Jamaica? hahaha.

  2. I KNOW RIGHT ? I took that picture for you lol

  3. HAHA!! Curtis I'm totally loving this blog. Its so neat for me to see what you're doing in pictures. And DON'T FORGET to take some pics of you and Shanna and Nigel!!!
